POSTED ON: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 @ 12:33 PM | 0 comments

Change new blogskin:DD
walao, why cannot change th song arh,
&^^%$%^$ lar ==
Put in th blogskin then got this song liao...
then cannot change, change ler no sound, pi gu dong. lols.

Anyway, did not went to sch today(:
nt feeling well...
vomited one bowl of TomYam in th toilet bowl ytd, haha.
Walan, all red red wan, still got some noodles leh!
Made mi want to vomit more, quickly ran outside and vomit in th sink, hoho.
But still need to continue training, then reached home bout 6pm(:

And Long Zai!
you good lor you.
now my hand got duo colour-.-"
zzz.. di xiao ehh.
yr service no good, niao until like that,
who yr LAODA? i wan complain .hoho:DD

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