POSTED ON: Saturday, September 6, 2008 @ 12:06 PM | 0 comments

went out with Jiaying colgate 2 days ago!:DD
lols, actually wanted to meet Qinxiang,Yockseng&Azri they all
for literature project, but yockseng sick, so cancel lor.
But Nvm, i went to Library with Colgate!

NoNo, bfore that, i went to Colgate's hse.
Bcause she said her mummy bought a PET DOG for her,
somemore th dog wont bite&bark, lols.
I was like sure bo? Then she said th dog GREEN colour wan eh!
Then i was like, wth? but she said until very real lor,
so i thot it was a PET DOG._.

So, i went to her hse. She said her dog was in th room.
Okay, so, i walked into her room.
Guess what? i saw a BALLOON AIR GREEN DOG!
with an idiotic face on it! I was like, fk?
I laughed until siao lar! && kept on hitting onto Jiaying:D
She still down there pulled th string that was tied onto that dog lor!
&& th dog kn how to walk leh! but FAKE de lar!!!
I totally sian diao lor, laughed until like siao._. si colgate!

Okay, headed to cwp after that(:
Got go Library awhile la..
Both of us dint even did one of our homework la,
we walked walked here, then see see ther lor...
Yesss! && eat!

Colgate came to my hse after that!
hehehs, && went back bout 7plus pm((:

i LOVE colgate!!

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