POSTED ON: Tuesday, December 2, 2008 @ 7:03 PM | 0 comments

Netball training today! Fun(:
but tiring.
Alot of new drills had been taught today!
Thanks coach :D
But i ran until wan vomit. but in th end nv lah.
Cause i superwomen leh, cannot vomit wan !

Celebrated coach bday in canteen ((:

After training, went bombom with Amelia!
hahahahha! Amelia's contact lens broke into half :D
In th end, she wear 1 eye only. so funny!
Okay, then my left eye kisiao.
Th contact lens dunwan go in. wth.
Then ame helped me, thanks :D

Went to eat w/ ame & siyun.
Omfg lah. They're soooooooo childish.
Kept on calling me PIG. wth.
But i nt so childish. i dint PLAY with them. dun worry :D
They were like,
'eh! how come gt one pig behind me ah?'
'eh! why pig know how to talk ah?'
'eh! why i talking to pig ah?'
'eh! why i talking pig language ah?'
Omg lah! they're so... i dunoo what to say.
That Wan siyun still learned dogs barked._.
Totally... dunno what to say.

Headed to 178 after that :D
Sit down there awhile. Jiabian came :D:D
Go playground play, after that went back to bball court again._.
Saw some cute cute de boy, then played with them awhile.
So cute lah they all. haha.
Then gt one bui bui de boy scold me stupid leh!
Smaller then me still dare to scold lao niang. wth.

Okay, went home after that ((:

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