POSTED ON: Saturday, March 21, 2009 @ 6:12 PM | 0 comments

Back from SL camp just now (:
I'm grouped w/ all th sec 1, & i'm like th oldest ._.
But nvm, Da jie jie mah =D

Slept in hall, managed to fall asleep at about 2am.
Woke up at 3am plus, found out tht Aiting was missing -.-
Went to th toilet and searched for her, but she's not in th toilet.
After that Aiting told me tht she's chatting w/ those facilitators downstairs -_-
I was like, 'er...' hah, nvm.

Chatted w/ Belle darling just now :DD & she told me something.
Made me laughed the shit out of me. Whole cheek numb -.-
She said tht this guy name xxx xxxx baby got what armpit hair.
Can tie plaits somemore, got curly, straight & tangle ._.
Amazing race somemore, laughed like shit.
I guess you don't really understand or know what i'm talking about,
but Belle darling will understand =D HA HA.

Okay, darling drew all this -.- (i thought it was water splashing down at first._.)

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Oh, my dear...